1. Installation notes
  2. ==================
  3. Privileges
  4. ==========
  5. symux needs read and write access to its rrdfiles.
  6. symon needs to interface with your kernel. Depending on your host system this
  7. leads to different privilege requirements:
  8. OpenBSD: - sysctl: cpu, debug, if, io, mbuf, mem, proc, sensor
  9. - rw on /dev/pf for pf
  10. NetBSD: - sysctl: cpu, debug, if, io, mbuf, proc
  11. - r on /dev/sysmon for sensor
  12. FreeBSD: - sysctl: all
  13. - non-chroot on FreeBSD 5.x for CPU ticks in proc
  14. - rw on /dev/pf for pf and pfq
  15. Linux: - r on /proc/net/dev: if
  16. - r on /proc/stat: cpu
  17. Real quick on OpenBSD
  18. =====================
  19. (cd /usr/ports/net/rrdtool && make install) &&
  20. make &&
  21. make install &&
  22. vi /etc/symux.conf /etc/symon.conf &&
  23. ~symon/symux/ all &&
  24. /usr/local/libexec/symux &&
  25. useradd -d /var/empty -L daemon -c 'symon Account' -s /sbin/nologin _symon
  26. /usr/local/libexec/symon
  27. or grab the port and do
  28. make package
  29. pkg_add symon-mon-version.tgz on all monitored hosts
  30. pkg_add symon-mux-version.tgz on the loghost
  31. Install the seperate syweb package to show the data stored in the rrd files.
  32. Less quick, but all OSes
  33. ========================
  34. - Install rrdtool on the host that will also run your symux gatherer.
  35. BSDs: cd /usr/ports/net/rrdtool && make install
  36. - Check for settings. Things to watch out for are:
  37. + PREFIX = Where does the installation tree start. Defaults to
  38. '/usr/local'.
  39. + BINDIR = Where should the daemons be put, relative to $PREFIX. Defaults
  40. to 'libexec'.
  41. + MANDIR = Where should the manuals be installed, relative to
  42. $PREFIX. Defaults to 'man'.
  43. + SHRDIR = Where are the example configurations to be installed. Defaults
  44. to 'share/symon'.
  45. + RRDDIR = $RRDDIR/include should yield rrd.h.
  46. BSDs: Run make && make install
  47. Linux: Run pmake && pmake install
  48. - Create an '/etc/symon.conf' for each monitored host and one symux.conf for
  49. the gatherer host. See the manual pages on how to specify alternative
  50. configuration file locations, if necessary. Note that there are example
  51. configurations for both in $PREFIX/$SHRDIR.
  52. - Create the rrd files where the incoming symon data is to be
  53. stored. $PREFIX/$SHRDIR/ is your friend. Note that syweb expects
  54. an '.../machine/*.rrd' style directory structure somewhere under /var/www.
  55. - Both symon and symux will daemonize if started normally. Start them with
  56. debugging on initially to iron out any configuration problems:
  57. $PREFIX/$BINDIR/symux -d &
  58. $PREFIX/$BINDIR/symon -d
  59. - Remove -d flags and check system logs for any failures.
  60. - Only if you need the webinterface: download and install syweb.
  61. Getting measurements without the web
  62. ====================================
  63. The client directory contains a perl module '' that can be used
  64. to read measurements as they come in at the symux host. A sample Perl program
  65. called '' shows how to use the module.
  66. Example:
  67. nexus$ 2100 "cpu(0)" "idle"
  68. 93.40
  69. Historical data can be gathered using rrdfetch(1) from symux's rrd files.
  70. Portability
  71. ===========
  72. This package was originally built as an OpenBSD application. It now has
  73. rudimentary support for FreeBSD, NetBSD and Linux.
  74. Willem Dijkstra -
  75. $Id: INSTALL,v 1.18 2005/03/20 16:17:22 dijkstra Exp $