TODO 638 B

  1. TODO:
  2. == current problems / short term
  3. - check that cpupct from proc is not broken. (got the feeling that %c handling
  4. might not be correct)
  5. - rewrite sm_proc.c, don't count shared pages twice
  6. - rewrite index.php, allow rrds in same dir as phps
  7. - rewrite symon2web to allow use on internet websites
  8. - allow editing of graphing parameters in symon2web
  9. - add symon2web manual page / readme, explain weird format
  10. - remove mon packet limit
  11. == longer term
  12. - change rrd to accommodate batch updates
  13. - write a muxer that supports unix pipes
  14. - write a client that drives a crystal fontz lcd
  15. $Id: TODO,v 1.23 2002/12/29 16:23:40 dijkstra Exp $