498 B

  1. <?php
  2. // $Id:,v 1.10 2002/10/18 12:30:20 dijkstra Exp $
  3. //
  4. // Contains definitions where the data files are to be found
  5. $symon2web["tree"]='/export/store_3/symon';
  6. // Show all datasources at once or provide a selection of hosts to be shown
  7. // Values: all|one
  8. //$symon2web["view"]='one';
  9. $symon2web["view"]='all';
  10. // Click on graph is zoom to this size
  11. // Values: '' = not clickable | tiny | small | normal | big | huge
  12. //$symon2web["magnify"]='';
  13. $symon2web["magnify"]='big';
  14. ?>