/* $Id: data.c,v 1.12 2002/07/25 09:51:42 dijkstra Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Willem Dijkstra * All rights reserved. * * The crc routine is from Rob Warnock , from the * comp.compression FAQ. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /* Terminology: * * A host carrying a 'mon' is considered a 'source' of information. A single * data 'stream' of information has a particular type: . A * source can provide multiple 'streams' simultaniously. A source spools * information towards a 'mux'. A 'stream' that has been converted to network * representation is called a 'packedstream'. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "data.h" #include "error.h" #include "lex.h" #include "xmalloc.h" __BEGIN_DECLS int bytelenvar(char); int checklen(int, int, int); struct stream *create_stream(int, char *); char *formatstrvar(char); char *rrdstrvar(char); int strlenvar(char); __END_DECLS /* Stream formats * * Format specifications are strings of characters: * * L = u_int64 * l = u_int32 * c = 3.2f <= u_int14 <= u_int16 (used in percentages) */ struct { char type; char *rrdformat; char *strformat; int strlen; int bytelen; u_int64_t max; } streamvar[] = { {'L', ":%qu", " %20qu", 22, sizeof(u_int64_t), (u_int64_t) 0xffffffffffffffff}, {'l', ":%lu", " %10lu", 12, sizeof(u_int32_t), (u_int64_t) 0xffffffff}, {'c', ":%3.2f", " %3.2f", 7, sizeof(u_int16_t), (u_int64_t) 100}, {'\0', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0} }; /* streams of have the packedstream
*/ struct { int type; char *form; } streamform[] = { {MT_IO, "LLL"}, {MT_CPU, "ccccc"}, {MT_MEM, "lllll"}, {MT_IF, "llllllllll"}, {MT_EOT, ""} }; struct { int type; int token; } streamtoken[] = { {MT_IO, LXT_IO}, {MT_CPU, LXT_CPU}, {MT_MEM, LXT_MEM}, {MT_IF, LXT_IF}, {MT_EOT, LXT_BADTOKEN} }; /* parallel crc32 table */ u_int32_t crc32_table[256]; /* Convert lexical entities to stream entities */ const int token2type(const int token) { int i; for (i=0; streamtoken[i].type < MT_EOT; i++) if (streamtoken[i].token == token) return streamtoken[i].type; fatal("%s:%d: internal error: token (%d) could not be translated into a stream type", __FILE__, __LINE__, token); /* NOT REACHED */ return 0; } /* Convert stream entities to their ascii representation */ const char * type2str(const int streamtype) { int i; for (i=0; streamtoken[i].type < MT_EOT; i++) if (streamtoken[i].type == streamtype) return parse_opcode(streamtoken[i].token); fatal("%s:%d: internal error: type (%d) could not be translated into ascii representation", __FILE__, __LINE__, streamtype); /* NOT REACHED */ return 0; } /* Return the maximum lenght of the ascii representation of type */ int strlentype(int type) { int i = 0; int sum = 0; while (streamform[type].form[i]) sum += strlenvar(streamform[type].form[i++]); return sum; } /* Return the maximum lenght of the ascii representation of streamvar */ int strlenvar(char var) { int i; for (i=0; streamvar[i].type > '\0'; i++) if (streamvar[i].type == var) return streamvar[i].strlen; fatal("%s:%d: internal error: type spefication for stream var '%c' not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, var); /* NOT REACHED */ return 0; } /* Return the maximum lenght of the network representation of streamvar */ int bytelenvar(char var) { int i; for (i=0; streamvar[i].type > '\0'; i++) if (streamvar[i].type == var) return streamvar[i].bytelen; fatal("%s:%d: internal error: type spefication for stream var '%c' not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, var); /* NOT REACHED */ return 0; } /* Return the ascii format string for streamvar */ char * formatstrvar(char var) { int i; for (i=0; streamvar[i].type > '\0'; i++) if (streamvar[i].type == var) return streamvar[i].strformat; fatal("%s:%d: internal error: type spefication for stream var '%c' not found", __FILE__, __LINE__, var); /* NOT REACHED */ return ""; } /* Return the rrd format string for streamvar */ char * rrdstrvar(char var) { int i; for (i=0; streamvar[i].type > '\0'; i++) if (streamvar[i].type == var) return streamvar[i].rrdformat; fatal("internal error: type spefication for stream var '%c' not found", var); /* NOT REACHED */ return ""; } /* Check whether more bytes fit in when we are already at */ int checklen(int maxlen, int current, int extra) { if ((current + extra) < maxlen) { return 0; } else { warning("buffer overflow: max=%d, current=%d, extra=%d", maxlen, current, extra); return 1; } } /* * Pack multiple arguments of a MT_TYPE into a network order bytestream. * snpack returns the number of bytes actually stored. */ int snpack(char *buf, int maxlen, char *id, int type, ...) { va_list ap; u_int16_t c; u_int32_t l; u_int64_t q; int i = 0; int offset = 0; if (type > MT_EOT) { warning("stream type (%d) out of range", type); return 0; } if ( maxlen < 2 ) { fatal("%s:%d: maxlen too small", __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { buf[offset++] = type & 0xff; } if (id) { if ((strlen(id) + 1) >= maxlen) { return 0; } else { strncpy(&buf[offset], id, maxlen-1); offset += strlen(id); } } buf[offset++] = '\0'; va_start(ap, type); while (streamform[type].form[i] != '\0'){ /* check for buffer overflow */ if (checklen(maxlen, offset, bytelenvar(streamform[type].form[i]))) return offset; switch (streamform[type].form[i]) { case 'c': c = va_arg(ap, u_int16_t); c = htons(c); bcopy(&c, buf + offset, sizeof(u_int16_t)); offset += sizeof(u_int16_t); break; case 'l': l = va_arg(ap, u_int32_t); l = htonl(l); bcopy(&l, buf + offset, sizeof(u_int32_t)); offset += sizeof(u_int32_t); break; case 'L': q = va_arg(ap, u_int64_t); q = htonq(q); bcopy(&q, buf + offset, sizeof(u_int64_t)); offset += sizeof(u_int64_t); break; default: warning("unknown stream format identifier"); return 0; } i++; } va_end(ap); return offset; } /* * Unpack a packedstream in buf into a struct packetstream. Returns the number * of bytes actually read. * * Note that this function does "automatic" bounds checking; it uses a * description of the packedstream (streamform) to parse the actual bytes. This * description corresponds to the amount of bytes that will fit inside the * packedstream structure. */ int sunpack(char *buf, struct packedstream *ps) { char *in, *out; int i=0; int type; u_int16_t c; u_int32_t l; u_int64_t q; bzero(ps, sizeof(struct packedstream)); in = buf; if ((*in) > MT_EOT) { warning("unpack failure: stream type (%d) out of range", (*in)); return -1; } type = ps->type = (*in); in++; if ((*in) != '\0') { strncpy(ps->args, in, sizeof(ps->args)); ps->args[sizeof(ps->args)-1]='\0'; in += strlen(ps->args); } else { ps->args[0] = '\0'; } in++; out = (char *)(&ps->data); while (streamform[type].form[i] != '\0') { switch (streamform[type].form[i]) { case 'c': c = *((u_int16_t *)in); c = ntohs(c); bcopy(&c, (void *)out, sizeof(u_int16_t)); in += sizeof(u_int16_t); out += sizeof(u_int16_t); break; case 'l': l = *((u_int32_t *)in); l = ntohl(l); bcopy(&l, (void *)out, sizeof(u_int32_t)); in += sizeof(u_int32_t); out += sizeof(u_int32_t); break; case 'L': q = *((u_int64_t *)in); q = ntohq(q); bcopy(&q, (void *)out, sizeof(u_int64_t)); in += sizeof(u_int64_t); out += sizeof(u_int64_t); break; default: warning("unknown stream format identifier"); return 0; } i++; } return (in - buf); } /* Get the RRD or 'pretty' ascii representation of packedstream */ int ps2strn(struct packedstream *ps, char *buf, const int maxlen, int pretty) { float c; u_int64_t q; u_int32_t l; int i=0; char *formatstr; char *in, *out; char vartype; in = (char *)(&ps->data); out = (char *)buf; while ((vartype = streamform[ps->type].form[i]) != '\0') { /* check buffer overflow */ if (checklen(maxlen, (out-buf), strlenvar(vartype))) return 0; switch (pretty) { case PS2STR_PRETTY: formatstr = formatstrvar(vartype); break; case PS2STR_RRD: formatstr = rrdstrvar(vartype); break; default: warning("%s:%d: unknown pretty identifier", __FILE__, __LINE__); return 0; } switch (vartype) { case 'c': c = (*((u_int16_t *)in) / 10); snprintf(out, strlenvar(vartype), formatstr, c); in += sizeof(u_int16_t); break; case 'l': l = *((u_int32_t *)in); snprintf(out, strlenvar(vartype), formatstr, l); in += sizeof(u_int32_t); break; case 'L': q = *((u_int64_t *)in); snprintf(out, strlenvar(vartype), formatstr, q); in += sizeof(u_int64_t); break; default: warning("Unknown stream format identifier"); return 0; } out += strlen(out); i++; } return (out - buf); } struct stream * create_stream(int type, char *args) { struct stream *p; if (type < 0 || type >= MT_EOT) fatal("%s:%d: internal error: stream type unknown", __FILE__, __LINE__); p = (struct stream *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct stream)); bzero(p, sizeof(struct stream)); p->type = type; if (args != NULL) p->args = xstrdup(args); return p; } /* Find the stream handle in a source */ struct stream * find_source_stream(struct source *source, int type, char *args) { struct stream *p; if (source == NULL) return NULL; SLIST_FOREACH(p, &source->sl, streams) { if ((p->type == type) && (((void *)args != (void *)p != NULL) && strncmp(args, p->args, _POSIX2_LINE_MAX) == 0)) return p; } return NULL; } /* Add a stream to a source */ struct stream * add_source_stream(struct source *source, int type, char *args) { struct stream *p; if (source == NULL) return NULL; if (find_source_stream(source, type, args) != NULL) return NULL; p = create_stream(type, args); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&source->sl, p, streams); return p; } /* Find a stream in a mux */ struct stream * find_mux_stream(struct mux *mux, int type, char *args) { struct stream *p; if (mux == NULL) return NULL; SLIST_FOREACH(p, &mux->sl, streams) { if ((p->type == type) && (((void *)args != (void *)p != NULL) && strncmp(args, p->args, _POSIX2_LINE_MAX) == 0)) return p; } return NULL; } /* Add a stream to a mux */ struct stream * add_mux_stream(struct mux *mux, int type, char *args) { struct stream *p; if (mux == NULL) return NULL; if (find_mux_stream(mux, type, args) != NULL) return NULL; p = create_stream(type, args); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&mux->sl, p, streams); return p; } /* Find a source by name in a sourcelist */ struct source * find_source(struct sourcelist *sol, char *name) { struct source *p; if (sol == NULL || SLIST_EMPTY(sol)) return NULL; SLIST_FOREACH(p, sol, sources) { if (((void *)name != (void *)p != NULL) && strncmp(name, p->name, _POSIX2_LINE_MAX) == 0) return p; } return NULL; } /* Find a source by ip in a sourcelist */ struct source * find_source_ip(struct sourcelist *sol, u_int32_t ip) { struct source *p; if (sol == NULL || SLIST_EMPTY(sol)) return NULL; SLIST_FOREACH(p, sol, sources) { if (p->ip == ip) return p; } return NULL; } /* Add a source with to a sourcelist */ struct source * add_source(struct sourcelist *sol, char *name) { struct source* p; if (sol == NULL) return NULL; if (find_source(sol, name) != NULL) return NULL; p = (struct source *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct source)); bzero(p, sizeof(struct source)); p->name = xstrdup(name); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(sol, p, sources); return p; } /* Find a mux by name in a muxlist */ struct mux * find_mux(struct muxlist *mul, char *name) { struct mux *p; if (mul == NULL || SLIST_EMPTY(mul)) return NULL; SLIST_FOREACH(p, mul, muxes) { if (((void *)name != (void *)p != NULL) && strncmp(name, p->name, _POSIX2_LINE_MAX) == 0) return p; } return NULL; } /* Add a mux to a muxlist */ struct mux * add_mux(struct muxlist *mul, char *name) { struct mux* p; if (mul == NULL) return NULL; if (find_mux(mul, name) != NULL) return NULL; p = (struct mux *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct mux)); bzero(p, sizeof(struct mux)); p->name = xstrdup(name); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(mul, p, muxes); return p; } /* Rename a mux */ struct mux * rename_mux(struct muxlist *mul, struct mux *mux, char *name) { if (mul == NULL || mux == NULL) return NULL; if (find_mux(mul, name) != NULL) return NULL; if (mux->name != NULL) xfree(mux->name); mux->name = xstrdup(name); return mux; } void free_muxlist(struct muxlist *mul) { struct mux *p, *np; if (mul == NULL || SLIST_EMPTY(mul)) return; p = SLIST_FIRST(mul); while ( p ) { np = SLIST_NEXT(p, muxes); if (p->name != NULL) xfree(p->name); close(p->clientsocket); close(p->monsocket); free_streamlist(&p->sl); xfree(p); p = np; } } void free_streamlist(struct streamlist *sl) { struct stream *p, *np; if (sl == NULL || SLIST_EMPTY(sl)) return; p = SLIST_FIRST(sl); while ( p ) { np = SLIST_NEXT(p, streams); if (p->args != NULL) xfree(p->args); if (p->file != NULL) xfree(p->file); xfree(p); p = np; } } void free_sourcelist(struct sourcelist *sol) { struct source *p, *np; if (sol == NULL || SLIST_EMPTY(sol)) return; p = SLIST_FIRST(sol); while ( p ) { np = SLIST_NEXT(p, sources); if (p->name != NULL) xfree(p->name); free_streamlist(&p->sl); xfree(p); p = np; } } /* Calculate maximum buffer space needed for a single mon hit */ int calculate_churnbuffer(struct sourcelist *sol) { struct source *source; struct stream *stream; int prefixlen; int maxlen; int len; int n; /* determine length of a timestamp + ip as strings */ prefixlen = (sizeof(time_t)*3) + strlen(":") + 15 + strlen(":"); len = n = 0; source = NULL; stream = NULL; maxlen = 0; /* determine maximum string size for a single source */ SLIST_FOREACH(source, sol, sources) { len = prefixlen; SLIST_FOREACH(stream, &source->sl, streams) { len += strlen(type2str(stream->type)) + strlen(":"); len += strlen(stream->args) + strlen(":"); len += strlentype(stream->type); n++; } if (len > maxlen) maxlen = len; } return maxlen; } /* Big endian CRC32 */ u_int32_t crc32(const void *buf, unsigned int len) { u_int8_t *p; u_int32_t crc; crc = 0xffffffff; for (p = (u_int8_t *) buf; len > 0; ++p, --len) crc = (crc << 8) ^ crc32_table[(crc >> 24) ^ *p]; return ~crc; } /* Init table for CRC32 */ void init_crc32() { unsigned int i, j; u_int32_t c; for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { c = i << 24; for (j = 8; j > 0; --j) c = c & 0x80000000 ? (c << 1) ^ MON_CRCPOLY : (c << 1); crc32_table[i] = c; } }