31/08/2002 - 2.3

    Makefiles, mon/mon.c: 
     - Environment variable KVM will enable the building of a setgid kmem
       version of the monitor. If this environment variable is not present, a
       non priviledged monitor will be built. (Note that all kvm dependant
       modules will fail during operation)

       After today's changes, only the io probe needs kvm.

     - obtain ifdata as per h1kari's suggestion.

     - global naming in sync with other probes
     - repeated initialisation would eat up fds

    Jan Sipke van der Veen
     - version number inconcistencies (main pkg/syslog)

    Daniel Hartmeier
     - shmat usage in monmux/share.c != 64 bit safe
     - some cpp macros missed precendence parenthesis

29/08/2002 - 2.2

    Merged contributions by Daniel Hartmeier:
     - cpu probe had a nasty va_arg bug that only showed up on big-endian
29/08/2002 - 2.1

    Merged contributions by Daniel Hartmeier:
     - pf probe
     - changes to make mon compile on macppc and sparc64

28/08/2002 - released 2.0

    monitoring behaviour (mon) separated from storage/forwarding (monmux) and
    picture display (mon2web). Only mon has to run with kmem priviledges
    because of the if and io probes. Although the entire package was built with
    portability to other OpenBSD architectures in mind, it was never tested.

==== unreleased ====

25/07/2002 - rewrite stringptr functions in monmux to snprintf ones
           - package it for openbsd
           - added a crc32 algorithm in netmon and netmux
           - added DEBUG handling in Makefiles
           - removed a bug in monmux that made it reprocess already processed data.

22/06/2002 - added shared code, upgraded networking code

04/04/2002 - changed mon/monmux.conf format
	     written manual pages
             look at mon/cpu.c/percentages, give appropriate people credits.

01/04/2002 - changed all memsets into bzero
             all output messages have the same format now
             write pids in /var/run 
             SIGHUP = reload configuration

31/03/2002 - cleaned up source

             added error reporting routines. 

29/03/2002 - mon and monmux no use monpacket to communicate with each
             other. This format defines: version, lenght and crc of the traffic

             mon no longer connects. monmux and mon can be started and stopped

             monmux now checks if incoming traffic is allowed from a certain host.             

             added rrd write support to monmux

             made c_monrrds.sh determine what files to build from environment

             got mon2web up to date with mon1. changed interface layout to
             have output as a negative area - i'm not finished with this.

22/03/2002 - Added get/set preamble, still tinkering with those s(u)(n)pack
             functions. Added one that translates it into text.

06/01/2002 - Removed init and get functions from the monlib. (init functions
             were also required in non-mon applications, not like it is
             supposed to be :)

             Next step is to rewrite the get functions into using the pack

05/01/2002 - Wrote spack and sunpack; endianess agnostic values to bytestream
             (and back) functions. The packet format has almost been defined

24/11/2001 - Rewrote lib to KNF, OpCodes removed
03/11/2001 - Added datatypes and rewrote readconf to use SLISTs.
01/10/2001 - Mon configuration is read from a mon.conf. 
29/09/2001 - Lexer had trouble dealing with ip-addresses. Cleaned up the number	
             parsing code and removed a second comment reader.

$Id: CHANGELOG,v 1.1 2002/08/31 15:54:57 dijkstra Exp $