@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Willem Dijkstra
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Willem Dijkstra
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -58,48 +58,37 @@
* The moment the master symux receives a new packet:
- * master calls master_forbidread:
- * - master checks the 'SEM_READ' semaphore to be equal to the number of
- * children active. If so, all children are up to date. If not, a child is
- * lagging and will die soon. Reap_clients().
- * - master adds any pending new clients
- * - master resets all semaphores, preventing clients to start reading
+ * master determines the dataslot and issues master_forbidread for that slot:
+ * - checks if the read semaphore for the slot is zero. If not, reap_clients is
+ * called to reap any stopped clients
+ * - adds any pending new clients
+ * - reset the semaphore for the slot to prevent clients to start reading
- * master calls master_permitread:
+ * master copies new data into the dataslot and calls master_permitread
* - increment sequence number in the shared region
- * - increment 'SEM_WAIT' with the number of registered clients
+ * - increment read semaphore for the slot with the number of registered clients
* clients call client_waitread:
- * - block on semaphore 'SEM_WAIT'
- * - set client sequence number to shared region sequence number
+ * - increment client sequence number and determine dataslot
+ * - exit if client sequence number < (shared sequence - max dataslots - 1)
+ * - block on semaphore for dataslot
* clients do something to the data in the shared region
- * clients call client_doneread:
- * - If the recorded sequence number deviates from the one in the shared region
- * the client is lagging behind. The client will kill itself.
- * - The client increments 'SEM_READ'.
- *
-int recvfd(int);
-int sendfd(int, int);
void check_master();
void check_sem();
void client_doneread();
void client_loop();
void client_signalhandler();
-void client_waitread();
+int client_waitread();
void exitmaster();
-void master_resetsem();
+void master_resetsem(int);
void reap_clients();
-#define SEM_WAIT 0
-#define SEM_READ 1
-#define SEM_TOTAL 2
int realclients;
int newclients;
int master;
@@ -116,33 +105,36 @@ key_t semid;
enum ipcstat semstat;
int seqnr;
-long *
+char *
+shared_getmem(int slot)
- return &shm->data;
+ long offset = ((slot % SYMUX_SHARESLOTS) * shm->slotlen);
+ char *data = (char *)&shm->data + offset;
+ return data;
- return shm->reglen - sizeof(struct sharedregion);
+ return shm->slotlen;
-shared_setlen(long length)
+shared_setlen(int slot, long length)
- if (length > (shm->reglen - (long) sizeof(struct sharedregion)))
+ if (length > shm->slotlen)
fatal("%s:%d: internal error:"
"set_length of shared region called with value larger than actual size",
__FILE__, __LINE__);
- shm->ctlen = length;
+ shm->ctlen[slot % SYMUX_SHARESLOTS] = length;
+shared_getlen(int slot)
- return shm->ctlen;
+ return shm->ctlen[slot % SYMUX_SHARESLOTS];
@@ -164,7 +156,7 @@ check_master()
+master_resetsem(int semnum)
union semun semarg;
@@ -173,16 +165,16 @@ master_resetsem()
- if ((semctl(semid, SEM_WAIT, SETVAL, semarg) != 0) ||
- (semctl(semid, SEM_READ, SETVAL, semarg) != 0))
- fatal("%s:%d: internal error: cannot reset semaphores",
- __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ if ((semctl(semid, semnum, SETVAL, semarg) != 0))
+ fatal("%s:%d: internal error: cannot reset semaphore %d",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, semnum);
- int clientsread;
+ int slot = (shm->seqnr + 1) % SYMUX_SHARESLOTS;
+ int stalledclients;
union semun semarg;
@@ -190,43 +182,50 @@ master_forbidread()
semarg.val = 0;
- if ((clientsread = semctl(semid, SEM_READ, GETVAL, semarg)) < 0)
+ if ((stalledclients = semctl(semid, slot, GETVAL, semarg)) < 0) {
fatal("%s:%d: internal error: cannot read semaphore",
__FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (clientsread != realclients) {
+ } else {
- debug("realclients = %d; clientsread = %d", realclients, clientsread);
+ debug("realclients = %d; stalledclients = %d", realclients, stalledclients);
realclients += newclients;
newclients = 0;
- master_resetsem();
+ master_resetsem(slot);
+ return slot;
+ int slot = ++shm->seqnr % SYMUX_SHARESLOTS;
union semun semarg;
- shm->seqnr++;
semarg.val = realclients;
- if (semctl(semid, SEM_WAIT, SETVAL, semarg) != 0)
- fatal("%s:%d: internal error: cannot reset semaphores",
- __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ if (semctl(semid, slot, SETVAL, semarg) != 0)
+ fatal("%s:%d: internal error: cannot set semaphore %d",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, slot);
+ int slot = ++seqnr % SYMUX_SHARESLOTS;
struct sembuf sops;
+ if (seqnr < (shm->seqnr - SYMUX_SHARESLOTS - 1)) {
+ close(clientsock);
+ fatal("%s:%d: client(%d) lagging behind (%d, %d) = high load?",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, clientpid, seqnr, shm->seqnr);
+ }
- sops.sem_num = SEM_WAIT;
+ sops.sem_num = slot;
sops.sem_op = -1;
sops.sem_flg = 0;
@@ -234,30 +233,12 @@ client_waitread()
fatal("%s:%d: internal error: client(%d): cannot obtain semaphore (%.200s)",
__FILE__, __LINE__, clientpid, strerror(errno));
- seqnr = shm->seqnr;
+ return slot;
- struct sembuf sops;
- check_sem();
- if (seqnr != shm->seqnr) {
- close(clientsock);
- fatal("%s:%d: client(%d) lagging behind (%d, %d) = high load?",
- __FILE__, __LINE__, clientpid, seqnr, shm->seqnr);
- }
- sops.sem_num = SEM_READ;
- sops.sem_op = 1;
- sops.sem_flg = IPC_NOWAIT;
- if (semop(semid, &sops, 1) != 0)
- fatal("%s:%d: internal error: cannot release semaphore (%.200s)",
- __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror(errno));
@@ -272,19 +253,22 @@ client_signalhandler(int s)
initshare(int bufsize)
+ int i;
+ int totalsize;
newclients = 0;
realclients = 0;
master = 1;
- bufsize += sizeof(struct sharedregion);
+ totalsize = (bufsize * SYMUX_SHARESLOTS) + sizeof(struct sharedregion);
shmstat = semstat = SIPC_FREE;
- if ((shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, bufsize, SHM_R | SHM_W)) < 0)
+ if ((shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, totalsize, SHM_R | SHM_W)) < 0)
fatal("could not get a shared memory identifier");
shmstat = SIPC_KEYED;
@@ -293,16 +277,18 @@ initshare(int bufsize)
fatal("could not attach shared memory");
shmstat = SIPC_ATTACHED;
- bzero(shm, bufsize);
- shm->reglen = bufsize;
+ bzero(shm, totalsize);
+ debug("shm from 0x%8x to 0x%8x", shm, shm + totalsize);
+ shm->slotlen = bufsize;
- if ((semid = semget(IPC_PRIVATE, SEM_TOTAL, SEM_ARGS)) < 0)
+ if ((semid = semget(IPC_PRIVATE, SYMUX_SHARESLOTS, SEM_ARGS)) < 0)
fatal("could not get a semaphore");
semstat = SIPC_KEYED;
- master_resetsem();
+ for (i = 0; i < SYMUX_SHARESLOTS; i++)
+ master_resetsem(i);
@@ -334,6 +320,7 @@ spawn_client(int sock)
} else {
master = 0;
+ seqnr = shm->seqnr;
signal(SIGHUP, client_signalhandler);
@@ -424,29 +411,27 @@ exitmaster()
+ int slot;
int total;
int sent;
int written;
for (;;) {
- client_waitread();
- total = shared_getlen();
+ slot = client_waitread();
+ total = shared_getlen(slot);
sent = 0;
while (sent < total) {
- if ((written = write(clientsock, (char *) (shared_getmem() + sent), total - sent)) == -1) {
+ if ((written = write(clientsock, (char *) (shared_getmem(slot) + sent), total - sent)) == -1) {
info("client(%d): write error. Client will quit.", clientpid);
sent += written;
- debug("client(%d): written %d bytes of %d total", clientpid, sent, total);
+ debug("client(%d): written %d bytes of %d total from slot %d", clientpid, sent, total, slot);
- client_doneread();