@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Willem Dijkstra
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Willem Dijkstra
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -108,11 +108,15 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *arg_ra[4];
struct stream *stream;
struct source *source;
+ struct sourcelist *sol;
struct mux *mux;
FILE *f;
int ch;
int churnbuflen;
+ int flag_list;
int offset;
+ int result;
+ unsigned int rrderrors;
int slot;
time_t timestamp;
@@ -121,67 +125,105 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
flag_debug = 0;
flag_daemon = 0;
+ flag_list = 0;
- while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "dvf:")) != -1) {
- switch (ch) {
- case 'd':
- flag_debug = 1;
- break;
- case 'f':
- if (optarg && optarg[0] != '/') {
- cfgpath = xmalloc(MAXPATHLEN);
- if ((cfgpath = getcwd(cfgpath, MAXPATHLEN)) == NULL)
- fatal("could not get working directory");
- maxstringlen = strlen(cfgpath) + strlen(optarg) + 1;
- cfgfile = xmalloc(maxstringlen);
- strncpy(cfgfile, cfgpath, maxstringlen);
- stringptr = cfgfile + strlen(cfgpath);
- stringptr[0] = '/';
- stringptr++;
- strncpy(stringptr, optarg, maxstringlen - (cfgfile - stringptr));
- cfgfile[maxstringlen] = '\0';
- free(cfgpath);
- } else
- cfgfile = xstrdup(optarg);
- break;
- case 'v':
- info("symux version %s", SYMUX_VERSION);
- default:
- info("usage: %s [-d] [-v] [-f cfgfile]", __progname);
- exit(EX_USAGE);
- }
+ while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "df:lv")) != -1) {
+ switch (ch) {
+ case 'd':
+ flag_debug = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ if (optarg && optarg[0] != '/') {
+ cfgpath = xmalloc(MAXPATHLEN);
+ if ((cfgpath = getcwd(cfgpath, MAXPATHLEN)) == NULL)
+ fatal("could not get working directory");
+ maxstringlen = strlen(cfgpath) + strlen(optarg) + 1;
+ cfgfile = xmalloc(maxstringlen);
+ strncpy(cfgfile, cfgpath, maxstringlen);
+ stringptr = cfgfile + strlen(cfgpath);
+ stringptr[0] = '/';
+ stringptr++;
+ strncpy(stringptr, optarg, maxstringlen - (cfgfile - stringptr));
+ cfgfile[maxstringlen] = '\0';
+ free(cfgpath);
+ } else
+ cfgfile = xstrdup(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ flag_list = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ info("symux version %s", SYMUX_VERSION);
+ default:
+ info("usage: %s [-d] [-l] [-v] [-f cfgfile]", __progname);
+ exit(EX_USAGE);
+ }
+ }
+ if (flag_list == 1) {
+ result = read_config_file(&mul, cfgfile, 0);
+ if (!result) {
+ fatal("configuration contained errors; quitting");
+ }
+ mux = SLIST_FIRST(&mul);
+ if (mux == NULL) {
+ fatal("%s:%d: mux not found", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ }
+ sol = &mux->sol;
+ if (sol == NULL) {
+ fatal("%s:%d: sourcelist not found", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ }
+ SLIST_FOREACH(source, sol, sources) {
+ if (! SLIST_EMPTY(&source->sl)) {
+ SLIST_FOREACH(stream, &source->sl, streams) {
+ if (stream->file != NULL) {
+ info("%.200s", stream->file);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (EX_OK);
+ } else {
+ result = read_config_file(&mul, cfgfile, 1);
+ if (!result) {
+ fatal("configuration contained errors; quitting");
+ }
- if (!read_config_file(&mul, cfgfile))
- fatal("configuration contained errors; quitting");
if (flag_debug != 1) {
- if (daemon(0, 0) != 0)
- fatal("daemonize failed");
+ if (daemon(0, 0) != 0)
+ fatal("daemonize failed");
- flag_daemon = 1;
+ flag_daemon = 1;
- f = fopen(SYMUX_PID_FILE, "w");
- if (f) {
- fprintf(f, "%u\n", (u_int) getpid());
- fclose(f);
- }
+ f = fopen(SYMUX_PID_FILE, "w");
+ if (f) {
+ fprintf(f, "%u\n", (u_int) getpid());
+ fclose(f);
+ }
info("symux version %s", SYMUX_VERSION);
if (flag_debug == 1)
- info("program id=%d", (u_int) getpid());
+ info("program id=%d", (u_int) getpid());
mux = SLIST_FIRST(&mul);
@@ -201,121 +243,128 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (get_symon_sockets(mux) == 0)
- fatal("no sockets could be opened for incoming symon traffic");
+ fatal("no sockets could be opened for incoming symon traffic");
if (get_client_socket(mux) == 0)
- fatal("socket for client connections could not be opened");
+ fatal("socket for client connections could not be opened");
+ rrderrors = 0;
- for (;;) {
- wait_for_traffic(mux, &source, &packet);
- if (flag_hup == 1) {
- flag_hup = 0;
- SLIST_INIT(&newmul);
- if (!read_config_file(&newmul, cfgfile)) {
- info("new configuration contains errors; keeping old configuration");
- free_muxlist(&newmul);
- } else {
- info("read configuration file '%.100s' successfully", cfgfile);
- free_muxlist(&mul);
- mul = newmul;
- mux = SLIST_FIRST(&mul);
- get_symon_sockets(mux);
- get_client_socket(mux);
- }
- } else {
- * Put information from packet into stringbuf (shared region).
- * Note that the stringbuf is used twice: 1) to update the
- * rrdfile and 2) to collect all the data from a single packet
- * that needs to shared to the clients. This is the reason for
- * the hasseling with stringptr.
- */
- offset = mux->offset;
- maxstringlen = shared_getmaxlen();
- slot = master_forbidread();
- timestamp = (time_t) packet.header.timestamp;
- stringbuf = shared_getmem(slot);
- debug("stringbuf = 0x%8x", stringbuf);
- snprintf(stringbuf, maxstringlen, "%s;", source->addr);
- maxstringlen -= strlen(stringbuf);
- stringptr = stringbuf + strlen(stringbuf);
- while (offset < packet.header.length) {
- bzero(&ps, sizeof(struct packedstream));
- offset += sunpack(packet.data + offset, &ps);
- stream = find_source_stream(source, ps.type, ps.arg);
- if (stream != NULL) {
- snprintf(stringptr, maxstringlen, "%s:%s:", type2str(ps.type), ps.arg);
- maxstringlen -= strlen(stringptr);
- stringptr += strlen(stringptr);
- snprintf(stringptr, maxstringlen, "%u", (unsigned int)timestamp);
- arg_ra[3] = stringptr;
- maxstringlen -= strlen(stringptr);
- stringptr += strlen(stringptr);
- ps2strn(&ps, stringptr, maxstringlen, PS2STR_RRD);
- if (stream->file != NULL) {
- optind = 0;
- arg_ra[0] = "rrdupdate";
- arg_ra[1] = "--";
- arg_ra[2] = stream->file;
- * This call will cost a lot (symux will become
- * unresponsive and eat up massive amounts of cpu) if
- * the rrdfile is out of sync.
- */
- rrd_update(4, arg_ra);
- if (rrd_test_error()) {
- warning("rrd_update:%.200s", rrd_get_error());
- warning("%.200s %.200s %.200s %.200s", arg_ra[0], arg_ra[1],
- arg_ra[2], arg_ra[3]);
- rrd_clear_error();
- } else {
- if (flag_debug == 1)
- debug("%.200s %.200s %.200s %.200s", arg_ra[0], arg_ra[1],
- arg_ra[2], arg_ra[3]);
- }
- }
- maxstringlen -= strlen(stringptr);
- stringptr += strlen(stringptr);
- snprintf(stringptr, maxstringlen, ";");
- maxstringlen -= strlen(stringptr);
- stringptr += strlen(stringptr);
- } else {
- debug("ignored unaccepted stream %.16s(%.16s) from %.20s", type2str(ps.type),
- ((ps.arg == NULL) ? "0" : ps.arg), source->addr);
- }
- }
- * packet = parsed and in ascii in shared region -> copy to
- * clients
- */
- snprintf(stringptr, maxstringlen, "\n");
- stringptr += strlen(stringptr);
- shared_setlen(slot, (stringptr - stringbuf));
- debug("churnbuffer used: %d", (stringptr - stringbuf));
- master_permitread();
- }
- }
+ for (;;) {
+ wait_for_traffic(mux, &source, &packet);
+ if (flag_hup == 1) {
+ flag_hup = 0;
+ SLIST_INIT(&newmul);
+ if (!read_config_file(&newmul, cfgfile, 1)) {
+ info("new configuration contains errors; keeping old configuration");
+ free_muxlist(&newmul);
+ } else {
+ info("read configuration file '%.100s' successfully", cfgfile);
+ free_muxlist(&mul);
+ mul = newmul;
+ mux = SLIST_FIRST(&mul);
+ get_symon_sockets(mux);
+ get_client_socket(mux);
+ }
+ } else {
+ * Put information from packet into stringbuf (shared region).
+ * Note that the stringbuf is used twice: 1) to update the
+ * rrdfile and 2) to collect all the data from a single packet
+ * that needs to shared to the clients. This is the reason for
+ * the hasseling with stringptr.
+ */
+ offset = mux->offset;
+ maxstringlen = shared_getmaxlen();
+ slot = master_forbidread();
+ timestamp = (time_t) packet.header.timestamp;
+ stringbuf = shared_getmem(slot);
+ debug("stringbuf = 0x%8x", stringbuf);
+ snprintf(stringbuf, maxstringlen, "%s;", source->addr);
+ maxstringlen -= strlen(stringbuf);
+ stringptr = stringbuf + strlen(stringbuf);
+ while (offset < packet.header.length) {
+ bzero(&ps, sizeof(struct packedstream));
+ offset += sunpack(packet.data + offset, &ps);
+ stream = find_source_stream(source, ps.type, ps.arg);
+ if (stream != NULL) {
+ snprintf(stringptr, maxstringlen, "%s:%s:", type2str(ps.type), ps.arg);
+ maxstringlen -= strlen(stringptr);
+ stringptr += strlen(stringptr);
+ snprintf(stringptr, maxstringlen, "%u", (unsigned int)timestamp);
+ arg_ra[3] = stringptr;
+ maxstringlen -= strlen(stringptr);
+ stringptr += strlen(stringptr);
+ ps2strn(&ps, stringptr, maxstringlen, PS2STR_RRD);
+ if (stream->file != NULL) {
+ optind = 0;
+ arg_ra[0] = "rrdupdate";
+ arg_ra[1] = "--";
+ arg_ra[2] = stream->file;
+ * This call will cost a lot (symux will become
+ * unresponsive and eat up massive amounts of cpu) if
+ * the rrdfile is out of sync.
+ */
+ rrd_update(4, arg_ra);
+ if (rrd_test_error()) {
+ if (rrderrors < SYMUX_MAXRRDERRORS) {
+ rrderrors++;
+ warning("rrd_update:%.200s", rrd_get_error());
+ warning("%.200s %.200s %.200s %.200s", arg_ra[0], arg_ra[1],
+ arg_ra[2], arg_ra[3]);
+ if (rrderrors == SYMUX_MAXRRDERRORS) {
+ warning("maximum rrd errors reached - will stop reporting them");
+ }
+ }
+ rrd_clear_error();
+ } else {
+ if (flag_debug == 1)
+ debug("%.200s %.200s %.200s %.200s", arg_ra[0], arg_ra[1],
+ arg_ra[2], arg_ra[3]);
+ }
+ }
+ maxstringlen -= strlen(stringptr);
+ stringptr += strlen(stringptr);
+ snprintf(stringptr, maxstringlen, ";");
+ maxstringlen -= strlen(stringptr);
+ stringptr += strlen(stringptr);
+ } else {
+ debug("ignored unaccepted stream %.16s(%.16s) from %.20s", type2str(ps.type),
+ ((ps.arg == NULL) ? "0" : ps.arg), source->addr);
+ }
+ }
+ * packet = parsed and in ascii in shared region -> copy to
+ * clients
+ */
+ snprintf(stringptr, maxstringlen, "\n");
+ stringptr += strlen(stringptr);
+ shared_setlen(slot, (stringptr - stringbuf));
+ debug("churnbuffer used: %d", (stringptr - stringbuf));
+ master_permitread();
+ }
+ }
return (EX_SOFTWARE);